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  • Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable

  • Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable

  • Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable

  • Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable

Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable

Optical prisms are frosted and polished into geometrically and optically distinct shapes. As a result of this initial discovery, optical prisms have been used in systems to "refract" optical fibers, to "fold" the system into a smaller space, to change the orientation of the image (also known as spin or isotropy), and to merge or split parts of the reflective surface of the beam.

Product Description

►Introduction of Right Angle Prismenlightened


Optical prisms are solid glass optics that are frosted and polished into geometrically and optically distinct shapes. The angle, position and number of optically flat crystals help define the type and function. They are widely used in refractometers and spectroscopic elements. As a result of this initial discovery, optical prisms have been used in systems to "refract" optical fibers, to "fold" the system into a smaller space, to change the orientation of the image (also known as spin or isotropy), and to merge or split parts of the reflective surface of the beam. These are very common in telescopes, magnifying glasses, measuring instruments and many other applications.

When using right angle prisms, they are usually coated with some optical film. Right-angle prisms inherently have a large contact area and typical angles of 45° and 90°, so they are easier to mount than ordinary mirrors and offer better stability and strength for mechanical applications. They are the best choice for optical components used in all types of devices and instruments.

Right-angle prism is an optical element that is widely used in many industries today. This durable and useful prism is used in applications such as beam displacements and polarization transformations. Its most distinguishing characteristic is its ability to provide efficient internal total reflection of incident light using critical angle characteristics.

Right-angle prism is an optical device with three rectangular faces, two of which make a 90 degree angle with each other. Its shape consists of two opposite faces that are perpendicular to each other, with the third face connecting them. Light entering the prism obliquely towards the face at the corner is totally internally reflected from one of the two refracting surfaces and exits from the other. This is known as the "critical angle" for the prism, which is at an angle greater than that of the index of refraction of the material of the prism.

When light enters the right-angle prism at an angle greater than the critical angle, the light is totally internally reflected. This means that all of the light is reflected back inside the prism, and none is allowed to escape. The internal reflection is so efficient that the light undergoes minimal losses. As a result, the image of the image upon entering to the prism remains the same when the light exits, the only difference being that the orientation of the image is inverted.

The critical angle for a right-angle prism is dependent on both the refractive index of the material and the angle that the light enters the prism. For example, at a certain angle of incidence, a right-angle prism made of glass might have a critical angle of 48 degrees, while a right angle prism made of quartz might have a critical angle of 57 degrees.

Right-angle prisms can be used in a wide range of applications, including microscopy, endoscopy, industrial and laser systems. In microscopy, they are used to image objects closely, while in endoscopy they are used to obtain information from deep inside the body. In industrial and laser systems, right-angle prisms are used to bend, reflect and focus light accurately.

In addition to its usefulness in imaging, the right-angle prism is also a valuable tool for polarization transformations. This is because when light passes through a right-angle prism, its polarization plane is altered, which can be employed to separate out different color bands in spectroscopy.

The right-angle prism is highly efficient, accurate, and versatile, making it an essential optical device for many industries. Its ability to provide efficient internal total reflection of incident light using critical angle characteristics makes it an invaluable tool in images and polarizations. Its flexibility and durability make it the prism of choice for imaging, laser systems and industrial applications.


►Specification of Right Angle Prismsenlightened




BK7 glass / UV Fused silica                      



Dimension tolerance


Surface quality

60/40, 40/20, 20/10

Surface flatness

λ/20 – λ/4

Angle tolerance

<30arc sec. ~5arc min




As per customized request
















►Features and Andvantages of Right Angle Prismsenlightened


When light is incident from the right-angle side of the prism, the light will undergo total internal reflection on the oblique side of the prism and exit from the other right-angle side, and the beam achieves 90° reflection. When light is incident from the beveled side of the prism, the light will occur twice in total reflection on the right-angle side and finally exit from the beveled side in a direction parallel to the incident beam, and the light path achieves 180° reflection, in addition the 180° deflection produced at this time is independent of the angle of incidence of the light.

Compared with ordinary mirrors, right-angle prisms have the following advantages:

►The right angle prism itself has a large contact area and has typical angles of 45°, 90°, etc., which are easy to adjust.
It has better stability for mechanical stress.

►The principle of bending light is total reflection, which is different from the interference principle of reflector, and relatively low dependence on coating.


►Application of Right Angle Prismsenlightened


Right angle prisms are the choice of many when it comes to achieving precise results with their experiments and projects. This optical component is commonly used to alter the path of light and images by 90 degrees.

A right angle prism is created from two triangular sections of glass or polymer, welded together with the hypotenuse of each triangle facing each other. Light then enters the square surface and reflects off the two hypotenuse surfaces, before bouncing off the square base surface and emerging off the opposite square face, making for a 90-degree angular turn. The right angle prism can also be used to split a beam of light into two, deviating it by positive and negative angles.

The use of right angle prisms extends to a range of applications such as collimation, where the radiation is periodically spread out uniformly. Beam shift can also be used, where an incident beam is diverted at an angle perpendicular to the surface. This can be done either with the use of a single prism, or can be done non-dispersively using multiple prisms at different angles.

Right angle prisms are used in imaging applications where the angle of observation must be at a right angle relative to the object under observation. They are also used for imaging spectrophotometric measurements such as measuring the intensity of a beam of light entering or exiting the prism. In addition, they can be used in polarizing applications, as well as for creating wedges or stepped patterns from incident light.



Optical Right Angle Glass Prisms Customizable


Right angle prisms cloak, or hide, one image of an object from view and present a second, reflected image of the object for inspection. This is useful for creating a divergent view, which can be viewed from a variety of angles. This helps students to better understand the concept of the diverging rays.

In terms of optical systems, right angle prisms are used to redirect the transmitted light energy. This is a key component of cameras, microscopes, will also be used in photolithography and lithography systems as well.

Right angle prisms also have many optical uses in the medical field. This includes the viewing of objects under a microscope, and mammography. They are also used in endoscopes to reflect certain wavelengths of light onto the tissue being observed.

In terms of commercial uses, right angle prisms can be used in the engineering industry to accurately measure the angular position of a device and to check the accuracy of an assembly.

In-depth knowledge of light and optics is not required to work with or use a right angle prism. With their ease of use and versatility, right angle prisms are a great choice for a wide range of applications that require precise results.

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    Sally: Sally4588

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