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RZ Optical Glass Plano Mirror

RZ Optics Co., Ltd. manufactures high-quality optical mirrors, including custom Plano Mirrors and custom optical windows. They change the direction of optical paths. Optical Mirrors are found in precision optical instruments, including lasers, telescopes and medical apparatuses.

Product Description

►RZ Optical Glass Plano Mirrorenlightened


Plano mirrors are coated the film material on the optical material by vacuum coating or evaporation. After the light passes through the plano mirror, it does not change the nature of the light beam, but only changes the direction of light propagation. Optical Strate of custom plano mirrors includes fused silica, N-BK7, silicon and other optical materials. Plano mirrors are often used in optical imaging systems, laser mirrors and interferometers.

Plano mirrors are optics designed for a variety of applications with a flat reflective surface. An optical system is ideal if it can form a perfect image with a random width beam in any large space, i.e. any concentric beam can remain as concentric beam after passing through the system. Planar mirrors do not change the concentric nature of the beam. They improve the image formation, so plane mirrors are indispensable in an ideal optical system. Plane mirrors are suitable for interferometers, imaging systems, laser applications, collimators and other optical systems.


RZ Optics Co., Ltd. is specialized in optical manufacturing of plano mirrors with commercial quality, precision quality and high precision quality, including protected aluminium mirrorsenhanced protected aluminium mirrorsprotected silver mirrorsenhanced silver mirrorsprotected gold mirrors and dielectric mirrors. The highest accuracy of irregularity and surface quality can be λ/10 and 20-10.


RZ Optical Glass Plano Mirror


How to get custom plano mirrors?

Please send us design drawings or custom parameters, including dimension, optical material, surface accuracy, surface quality and the requirement of optical coating. Don't forget to add the requirement of quantities and lead time. Of course, the simplest way is direct to contact us for more information.


About RZ Optics Co., Ltd.

RZ Optics Co., Ltd. produces custom optical mirrors, according to your requirements. We strictly control the parameters of optical mirrors to ensure the precise design of each batch of custom optical mirrors. We coat optical components according to the needs of customers, including gold coating, silver coating, aluminium coating and DLC coating. Precision optical plano mirrors are found in Lasers, Spectrometers, Interferometers and Telescopes. For more information, please feel free to contact us


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What is substrates materials for Plano (flat) mirrors we can provide?


Optical Mirror base materials are made from low expansion glasses, depending on the quality required, Common substrate mateirals for mirrors include:

Float Glass

N-BK7 or H-K9L


Fused silica


Fused Silica Mirrors

Fused silica is used in the ultraviolet to near-infrared spectrum. It has a good transmittance in the range of 220nm-2500nm. After double-sided coating, the transmittance of fused silica windows reaches 98%. Compared with H-K9L (N-BK7), fused silica has better uniformity and lower thermal expansion coefficient. Besides, fused silica has strong chemical stability and good thermal shock resistance. Fused silica mirrors are suitable in harsh environments and have a long service life. Fused silica mirrors are used for laser optics, optical measurement and so on.


N-BK7 Mirrors

N-BK7 is an optical glass commonly used in the visible and near-infrared spectrum. K9 is the equivalent material from CDGM in China. Its transmittance is about 92%. When N-BK7 windows are used for imaging applications, they are often coated to achieve high-transmission and low-refraction light effects. In addition, N-BK7 has high uniformity and narrow refractive index change range, which is used for high-power lasers and astronomical observation instruments. However, N-BK7 mirrors are not suitable for thermal shock applications. Fused silica is often used for thermal shock applications.


Silicon Mirrors

Silicon is used in near-infrared spectrum. It has good transmission performance in the range of 1-7μm. Silicon is often used in the range of 3-5μm. Silicon is outstanding for its low density and affordable price, making it suitable for applications requiring low weight. Silicon has high thermal conductivity. Silicon mirrors are found in laser systems.


Matallic Mirrors

Gold coating is often used in infrared spectroscopy above 700nm. Due to the low hardness of gold, a dielectric film or other protective film needs to be coated on its surface to extend its service life. Gold mirrors are often used as low-power laser mirrors and infrared mirrors for measurement.

Silver coating has a high reflectivity in the visible and infrared spectrum. Since the oxide film formed by silver and air is not enough to ensure the service life of the silver film. A dielectric film or other protective film needs to be coated on the silver film. Silver mirrors are used as low-power laser mirrors and optical mirrors in astronomical measuring instruments.

Aluminium coating has good reflectivity in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectrum ranges. Since aluminium has a wide transmission range and is easy to vaporize. Aluminium film has become a widely used metal thin film. Aluminium mirrors are used for optical mirrors required for measurement and astronomical observation.


Plano Mirrors

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